Miss M is a few days shy of 10 months, and now that she is nursing less, my weight loss efforts need to be kicked up another notch! I hate counting calories and I loathe exercise. I also really enjoy yummy food. All that combines to make being my fittest - after having 3 babies in 3 years - just a tad difficult. My desire to drop a few pants sizes is not just for me, but for my kiddos too. I want to be a good example of healthier living and eating AND I need as much energy as I can get to chase around these 3 beauties!
Here is my current game plan:
1). Drink a glass of water before each meal & snack.
2). Fill my plate at least 1/2 full of fruit & veg.
3). Include more whole grains, nuts & legumes.
4). Get outside and move.
So I began this morning with my glass of water. Followed by a waffle breakfast: whole grain waffle, non-fat Greek yogurt, sliced strawberries, a drizzle of agave, & 1/2 a banana. Oh and of course my one big vice - coffee! Next time I'll add some sliced almonds and some flax meal. Every little bit counts!
Proud of you! I'm there with you! Green smoothie and one slice of wheat bran toast with almond butter. And decaf coffee with soy milk. Yes, I said decaf.